Woman Hand-Crafts a Mid-Century Modern Style Cardboard House for Her Two Cats
If you have a cat, you know that they're obsessed with cardboard boxes. While watching her two feline friends—Huckleberry and Floyd—play inside an old package, cat mom and graphic designer Gentry Sanders was struck with an idea. Armed with old boxes and creativity, she decided to build them a mid-century cardboard cat house. Called Mid Century Meow-nor, the stylish kitty abode was crafted from a Hello Fresh delivery box and an Amazon box. Sanders spent an entire weekend creating it, but Huckleberry and Floyd were on site to make sure it was done right. "I can't do anything in my house without them being involved in it," Sanders reveals. "They loved the cutting of the cardboard because they got to lay on it and chew it. Surprisingly, they left me alone when I painted but I purposefully planned that during their afternoon nap time." Featuring angular roofs, asymmetrical details, and large windows, Sanders' cardboard creation would surely please the lik...